
Our Science Intent

At Oyster Park Primary Academy, our children develop their scientific knowledge through carefully planned engaging Scientific opportunities. Science lessons are cross-curricular, build on prior learning, and provide opportunities to deepen understanding.  Children are supported to develop an understanding of the processes and methods of Science through a range of Scientific enquiries, investigations and key questions to support them explore the world around them.  We develop and nurture children’s curiosity, encouraging them to generate their own questions to initiate investigations and enquires as well as to build on knowledge already gained through scientific enquiry. 



In Science, we cultivate a reading culture by exposing children to a variety of genres through carefully linked texts.  In both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, this will entail children using their knowledge of a range of key texts linked to a particular Science unit, enabling them to make wider links and deepen their knowledge and understanding of the content taught. 



Oracy is the ability to articulate ideas, develop understanding and engage with others through spoken language. In Science Oracy is a powerful tool for learning. By teaching our pupils to become more effective speakers and listeners we aim to empower them to have a better understanding of themselves and others as well as scientific concepts and ideas. We aim to empower our pupils to discuss ideas, make predications and evaluate their findings, to speak like an expert in order to support their development as scientists.


At Oyster Park Primary Academy, we are aware that a child’s scientific ability and enquiring mind may not be directly related to their writing or mathematical ability. All children are given the opportunity to work scientifically with support appropriate to their SEN learning barriers. Children are encouraged and supported to ask their own questions, as well as complete teacher led- enquiries.


Our Science Curriculum Overview