Art & Design

Our Art & Design Intent 

The national curriculum for Art and Design aims to engage, inspire, and challenge pupils. It aims to equip children with the knowledge and skills needed to experiment with and create their own works of art and design.  At Oyster Park Primary Academy, we hope to implement this through Art and Design lessons and a rich cross-curricular approach. During their time at Oyster Park, each child will have their own sketchbook to design, practise and develop their skills and artworks. This will evidence a progression of techniques throughout the school years.

Art and Design is an importance part of our curriculum and it is our aim to engage and inspire all children through creative planning opportunities. We believe that Art and Design encourages children to develop their creativity, nurture their imagination and provides children with a variety of ways to express their thoughts, feelings and emotions.

We aim to give all children the confidence to express themselves through a range of chosen mediums. Our children are given the opportunities to experiment with a range of different materials, to use drawing, painting and sculpting techniques to bring their ideas to life, and to practise art and design techniques when using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space. As the children progress they will be encouraged to progress their skills through experimentation and developing their control and finesse.

We want our children to know how Art & Design has contributed to our culture and understanding of our history and the world. Our children will focus on a variety of key artists linked to the curriculum and they will begin to understand the development of particular art forms. The children will have opportunities to take inspiration from these key artists and create their own artworks in their particular styles. At Oyster Park Primary school, we hope to foster and continually grow a love of Art and Design as the children progress through our school, giving all of our children the opportunities and skills needed to develop their understanding and techniques.


In Art and Design we cultivate a love of reading by exposing the children to a range of different texts and genres. The children will be reading Non-Fiction texts, particularly biographies and auto-biographies, in order to widen their knowledge around key artists. In Key Stage Two the children will be looking at typography and how different styles of font and writing can impact a reader’s thoughts and feelings.


Oracy is the ability to articulate ideas, develop understanding and engage with others through spoken language. In Art and Design, Oracy is a powerful tool for learning. By teaching our pupils to become more effective speakers and listeners we aim to empower them to express their own thoughts, feelings and opinions through their chosen medium and artwork. The children will be equipped to evaluate and talk about key pieces of artwork, as well evaluating their own artwork and that of their peers.


In Art and Design we aim to be ambitious of what our pupils with SEND can achieve. We plan and deliver our Art and Design curriculum to accommodate and challenge children of all abilities. We are aware that it is necessary to provide specialist equipment, utilise support staff and allow additional time for tasks. We encourage a culture of experimentation, with no one right way to do something. Art is a great opportunity to allow your learners the freedom to explore, create and develop new skills and confidence. Provide opportunities for ‘process art’ - open ended use of materials and inspiration with no expectation of the end result. 


Our Art & Design Curriculum Overview