Headteacher’s Welcome

Welcome to Oyster Park Primary Academy

Here at Oyster Park the children are at the heart of everything we do. We aim to inspire, motivate and create a safe environment for our pupils, working hard to ensure they are prepared for their next steps within education and also for their adult life.

Oyster Park Primary Academy values each and every child for their unique talents, interests, abilities and skills. We work hard to discover and develop these, so that whatever their starting point, every child has a range of opportunities to become a motivated and successful learner. We build positive relationships within a nurturing environment and promote a ‘can do, have a go’ attitude which helps children to become more creative, resilient and independent. Through developing these attitudes and skills, we see children have greater self-esteem and become more confident and considerate members of the whole school community. We want them to feel proud to be part of our Oyster Park Primary Academy team.

We recognise the importance of good literacy and numeracy skills but we also provide chances for children to learn and achieve beyond the classroom for example; through sport, music and, our very own Forest School. Staff work hard to make lessons interesting, relevant, fun and to create a thirst for learning.

We believe that good behaviour, manners, tolerance and social skills are essential in a happy, well run school and all staff act as positive role models to support and promote these British Values as key aspects of a successful school.

Best wishes,

Mrs J Chapman-Kemp


Hey there, couldn’t help noticing you’re using Internet Explorer

That’s great and all, and we commend you for pushing through with it. Unfortunately we no longer offer support for IE; it hasn’t received a major update since 2015 and Microsoft are dropping support for it later in the year.

If you’re using Windows 10 and want to stick with a built in browser, please consider switching to Edge. Or, if you really want to enjoy the internet properly we strongly recommend downloading Google Chrome here.